Mitchel Federan
Oct 3, 2023
Full Company
Hello Company Families!
We have put together the information for our updated makeup and makeup kits for the 23-24 season! These are not mandatory to purchase from us, but an easy way to get all of the items needed at once. We also have a large assortment of add-on options that you can purchase as well. All items ordered will be delivered to the studio and a notification will be sent to you when they are ready for pickup. Our goal is to have the kits in hand in time for the Company Hair/Makeup Clinic on Saturday, November 11th. If you decide to purchase on your own, please have our new mandatory items purchased by this date as well.
We spent time talking with parents before making decisions on makeup colors this year. We have upgraded from two kit options to four kits this year to better accommodate skin tones. We want all of our dancers to look and feel their best on stage, and it is very important to us that all dancers wear the same brand of makeup so they look professional and cohesive. We also are taking prices into consideration. We hope you understand how much time and effort goes into these decisions.
We know many Company dancers already have a large amount of the supplies for hair/makeup, but please look at all of the mandatory items needed for this year and then decide if you would like to purchase them through us or on your own. Based on your child's skin tone, these exact brands and shades must be ordered for eyeshadows, blush, and lipstick.
*We have all four of our sample kits at the studio and you are welcome to come in with your child and try out the shades to decide on the best kit for their skin tone.
Female Company Dancers Mandatory Items for 2023-2024:
Fair-Light Makeup Kit
Colourpop "Conundrum" Pressed Shadow
Colourpop "Mighty Morphin'" Super Shock Shadow
Colourpop "Lets Dance" Powdered Blush
Colourpop "Melonade" Ultra Matte Lip
Light-Medium Makeup Kit
Colourpop "Mission" Pressed Shadow
Colourpop "Mighty Morphin'" Super Shock Shadow
Colourpop "Lets Dance" Powdered Blush
Colourpop "Melonade" Ultra Matte Lip
Medium Makeup Kit
Colourpop "Material Girl" Pressed Shadow
Colourpop "Diego" Pressed Shadow
Colourpop "Babycakes" Powdered Blush
Colourpop "Melonade" Ultra Matte Lip
Deep Makeup Kit
Colourpop "Float On" Pressed Shadow
Colourpop "Adaptogen" Super Shock Shadow
Colourpop "Babycakes" Powdered Blush
Colourpop "Melonade" Ultra Matte Lip
Mandatory Hair Items: Clear Hair Elastics, Hair-Colored Hair Ties, Hairspray & Gel (got2bglued is the highly recommended brand), Clips/Pins as needed
All of these mandatory items are available on our Order Form, plus many other important essentials. All of the prices listed on the order form include tax, shipping, and handling.
*Families are welcome to purchase one kit for multiple siblings - just list one dancer's name on the order form. You can also purchase separate kits for each child if you would prefer, by filling out separate order forms.
Order forms must be completed no later than October 22, 2023. Forms must be filled out completely and payment made successfully on the order form for an order to be placed.
Order Form Link:
Let us know if you have any questions!