Arielle Libertore
Apr 20, 2024
Full Company
Hello Company Parents,
Solo/Duet/Trio Pre-Show
Please let us know no later than May 1st if you would like your child to be a part of the Recital Solo/Duet/Trio Pre-Show on Friday, June 7th. Details below:
All Company soloists and duets/trios are permitted to perform in the Pre-Show, with a limit of one solo per dancer. Audience members must have a ticket to the Friday show to gain access to the Solo/Duet/Trio Pre-Show. Please sit in your reserved seats for the Pre-Show that you purchased for the Company Show.
Cost: $50 per act (duets & trios split the $50 price)
When e-mailing us: make sure to include the title of the Solo, Duet, or Trio, and please talk to the other dancers in the Duet/Trio before responding to us. Your payment portal accounts will be charged for the Pre-Show.
Graduating Seniors: We will be holding a separate Graduating Senior Show on Friday, June 7th at 4:45 pm for all solos and duets/trios that include a graduating senior. If you have more than one solo, please let us know which solo you would like to perform in the showcase. There is no charge for graduating seniors to perform.
A lineup of the Solo/Duet/Trio Pre-Show and Graduating Senior Show will be e-mailed the week of May 13th.
Thank you!